Lean Muscle: 1-Day Eating Plan

If you are looking to build lean muscle, here's a day's worth of inspiration for what your diet could look like.

This is a sample only and it is advisable to consult a dietician or nutritionist before embarking on a serious diet plan, to ensure it is suited for your needs. It is also a good idea to ensure your daily food intake is varied and high in whole foods to give you a wide range of nutrients, and people of different activity levels and bodyweights may require different quantities.

6am: Cardio
  • 20-30 minutes cardio exercise on an empty stomach (water only)
8am: Meal 1
  • Protein shake: Blend 2 scoops Horleys Elite 100% Whey Plus, 250ml non-fat milk, 1 tbsp flax seed oil and one cup of fresh or canned fruit
  • 1 multivitamin (every 2nd day)
10am: Meal 2
  • 1 cup cooked rolled oats (sweetened with 1 tsp honey if needed)
  • An omelette (4 egg whites, one yolk)
  • 300ml water or green tea
1pm: Meal 3
  • Mixed green salad and tomatoes with vinaigrette, medium baked sweet potato (or 2 slices wholemeal bread) and 120g lean chicken, turkey, fish or tofu


  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, 120g skinless chicken, 2 cups cooked broccoli and one piece of seasonal fruit plus tea, coffee or water
4pm: Meal 4 (Pre-Workout)
  • 1 scoop ICE WPI with 1 scoop of CreatineXtreme, or 2 scoops Havoc in 200ml water

  • a handful of almonds

5pm: Weight Training
  • 40-50 minutes weight training

  • Drink a minimum of 500ml water during your workout

6pm: Meal 5 (Post-Workout)
  • 1 scoop CreatineXtreme plus 2 scoops AminoXL and
  • 2 scoops ICE WPI blended in 300ml apple or pineapple juice, coconut water or Replace Sports Drink
7pm: Meal 6
  • 120g lean red meat OR 150g grilled fish or skinless chicken plus
  • Generous serve of cooked green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, green beans) and
  • Half a cup of sweet potato or pumpkin
  • plus water or green tea

For more detail on getting the right balance of protein and carbs for lean muscle gains - read our guide here.


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